Dedicated to Lord Shiva, Apteshwar Temple in Pushkar is visited by numerous people all round the year. Constructed in the 12th Century, this temple has splendid architecture. Lord Shiva is considered to be the destroyer among the Hindu Trinity, whereas Lord Vishnu is the preserver and Lord Brahma is the creator.
With its rich architecture, this Temple in Pushkar is among the 400 temples that bedeck the city. Reminding us of ancient India, the Apteshwar Temple has boldly stood the test of time, proving the transcendental essence of Indian spirituality. Believed to be the oldest and the most revered Indian God, Lord Shiva is said to preside this Sanctum Sanctorum and bless his devotees with an open heart.
Alternatively called Ashutosh, or one who can be pleased easily, Lord Shiva can be satisfied by placing 'Bel' leaves atop the Shiva Lingam. By doing so, one can get one's desires granted very easily, or so goes the saying. Therefore if you visit Apteshwar Temple in Rajasthan during Shiva Ratri, when Lord Shiva is ritually revered, you shall get to see thousands of devotees placing bel leaves over the Shiva Lingam, after drenching it with milk, dahi, ghee and honey. It is said that Lord Shiva grants a handsome groom to the one who worships him with respect and devotion.
There are numerous other temples near Apteshwar Temple, like the Savitri Temple, Rangji Temple, Warah Temple and Brahma Temple. These temples are the soul of India and also indicate the rich heritage of India.
With its rich architecture, this Temple in Pushkar is among the 400 temples that bedeck the city. Reminding us of ancient India, the Apteshwar Temple has boldly stood the test of time, proving the transcendental essence of Indian spirituality. Believed to be the oldest and the most revered Indian God, Lord Shiva is said to preside this Sanctum Sanctorum and bless his devotees with an open heart.
Alternatively called Ashutosh, or one who can be pleased easily, Lord Shiva can be satisfied by placing 'Bel' leaves atop the Shiva Lingam. By doing so, one can get one's desires granted very easily, or so goes the saying. Therefore if you visit Apteshwar Temple in Rajasthan during Shiva Ratri, when Lord Shiva is ritually revered, you shall get to see thousands of devotees placing bel leaves over the Shiva Lingam, after drenching it with milk, dahi, ghee and honey. It is said that Lord Shiva grants a handsome groom to the one who worships him with respect and devotion.
There are numerous other temples near Apteshwar Temple, like the Savitri Temple, Rangji Temple, Warah Temple and Brahma Temple. These temples are the soul of India and also indicate the rich heritage of India.